A lesson about God's purpose for us.
(We were doing a curriculum about service which called for a series of five stories about robots. At the same time, we had a gentleman in our church who really wanted to do puppet skits with his monkey puppets. My wife said I could turn the robot stories into monkey skits. (I can?!?) Since robots and monkeys don't have much in common, I took the main idea of each story and wrote a corresponding skits. I used his three monkey puppets, a boxing rabbi puppet I had, and my daughter's pink stuffed monkey. Below is the first of five skits that resulted.)
CALEB – Smallest monkey; feels he is inadequate to serve God.
MAX – Biggest and strongest monkey; works hard but tends to be prideful.
BOOGER – Big and strong; does not take good care of himself.
MR. WISEMAN – Wise man of the jungle; helps monkeys carry out the Creator's plan.
ROSIE – A very small, pink monkey who loves to swing.
Something heavy looking for one of the monkeys to lift.
A stick and a string to swing ROSIE overhead.
(CALEB is on stage alone looking dejected.)
CALEB: Why did God even bother to create me? I want to serve God, but how? All of the other monkeys are bigger and stronger than I am. I so small and unimportant.
(MAX crosses the stage carrying a heavy object.) Max is stronger than I am.
(ROSIE swings overhead.) Rosie can swing better than I can.
I can't fly like those monkeys in the Wizard of Oz. What can I do? What possible good can I be to God?
(MR. WISEMAN enters.)
MR. WISEMAN: What's wrong, Caleb. Why are you looking so sad?
CALEB: I'm sad, because I'm useless. God can't possibly use me for anything. I'm not big or strong or fast.
MR. WISEMAN: I'm not any of those things either, Caleb.
CALEB: Yeah, but you're really smart.
MR. WISEMAN: Caleb, it's not being smart that makes me useful to God. And it's not being big or strong or fast that makes someone else useful to God. It is having a willing heart and an obedient spirit.
CALEB: Really?
MR. WISEMAN: Yes, Caleb. God's plan works out the way it should. Just because you don’t see how you fit in today, doesn't mean there isn't a place for you. God wouldn't have made you if He didn't have a special job just for you.
CALEB: Hmmm. I just don't know.
MR. WISEMAN: We all have doubts sometimes. But if you'll wait patiently and listen to God's Word with all our heart, you'll find the special mission God has for you. Remember, the Bible says that we are God's workmanship, and we were created to do good works. God planned this for you, Caleb, a long, long time ago.
CALEB: I suppose you're right. I'll be patient and wait on God to show me what it is.
MR. WISEMAN: Good boy, Caleb. (Pats CALEB on back/head.)
(CALEB and MR. WISEMAN exit, talking quietly to one another.)
I love it, this skit is so creative!
I love your banner, too!
Thanks for the kind words, TeeTee.
God bless,
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