A puppet skit showing that you shouldn't bang around in the dark when you can ask for a light.
D.B. – a good albeit not very bright bunny
KELLI – the teacher who sets him straight

Pots, pans, etc. for making noise
A flashlight or lantern
(Opens with KELLI on stage D.B. down in his rabbit hole.)
KELLI: D.B.? Are you ready to do tonight's lesson?
D.B.: (calling up from rabbit hole) I sure am, but why is it so dark, Miss Kelli?
KELLI: We're having Flashlight Night at AWANA, so all of the lights are turned off.
D.B.: How exciting! But I do not have a flashlight.
KELLI: Why not?
D.B.: Because I am a rabbit, silly.
KELLI: Well, sure but…
D.B.: Rabbits do not have flashlights.
KELLI: I understand, but I thought…
D.B.: How would we turn them on. We do not even have opposable thumbs.
KELLI: I hadn't thought of that…
D.B.: And how would I even buy one. I do not have any pockets to carry money.
KELLI: That's true…
D.B.: I do not even have money, because I am a rabbit.
KELLI: I get it. You don't have a flashlight. Would you like to borrow mine?
D.B.: Oh, no. I do not need a flashlight. Rabbits have very good eyesight. It is from all the carrots, you know.
KELLI: I didn’t know that.
D.B.: You are learning all kinds of things tonight, Miss Kelli.
KELLI: I guess I am, D.B. (pauses) So are you coming up?
D.B.: You mean in the dark?
KELLI: Yes, in the dark.
D.B.: But it is so scary.
KELLI: Are you coming up or not?
D.B.: Okay, okay. I am on my way. (Sounds of crashing.)
KELLI: Are you all right, D.B.?
D.B.: I am fine. (More crashing.)
KELLI: Do you need me to shine my flashlight down there?
D.B.: No, I can make just fine. Rabbits have very good eyesight. It is from all the carrots, you know.
KELLI: I recently heard that.
D.B.: Here I come. (More crashing, a long pause, still more crashing, then a really long pause.)
D.B.: Yes, Miss Kelli?
KELLI: Just checking to see if you are still with us.
D.B.: Can I ask you a question?
KELLI: Sure, D.B.
D.B.: Could you shine your flashlight down the rabbit hole.
KELLI: But I thought rabbits had very good eyesight. It's from all the carrots, you know.
D.B.: That is just an urban legend.
KELLI: I'd be happy to turn on my flashlight for you, D.B. (shines flashlight down rabbit hole)
D.B.: (pops up from the rabbit hole) Hi, Miss Kelli.
D.B.: When does tonight's lesson start?
KELLI: Five minutes ago.
D.B.: Good. Then I am just in time. What are we studying today?
KELLI: Proverbs 4:18-19 – The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.
D.B.: Hey! That sounds like me. I was in the dark and did not know what I was stumbling on.
KELLI: Funny how that works out. Isn't it?
D.B.: Does that mean I am wicked, Miss Kelli?!?
KELLI: No, D.B. It is a simile. The wicked aren't really in the dark, but they get into trouble and don't understand why.
D.B.: Well, that is not hard to understand. They just need a flashlight.
KELLI: (groaning) Sort of, D.B. They need God's wisdom to light their way.
D.B.: Well, of course. I am so silly, but I am not very good with smilies.
KELLI: (chuckling) That's similes, and that's okay, D.B. When you needed a light, what did you need to do?
D.B.: I just needed to ask, and you shined your flashlight for me.
KELLI: And I was happy to do it, D.B. In the same way, God is happy to shine the light of His wisdom on our lives if we will just ask. The book of James says, " If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."
D.B.: That is all there is to it?
KELLI: That's all there is to it.
D.B.: And this is the lesson?
KELLI: And that's the lesson.
D.B.: So I can go now?
KELLI: So you can go now.
D.B.: (looks back and forth between rabbit hole and KELLI) But it is dark down there.
KELLI: Would you like me to shine my flashlight for you, D.B.?
D.B.: Yes, please.
KELLI: (shines flashlight down rabbit hole) There you go.
D.B.: Thank you , Miss Kelli.
KELLI: You're welcome, D.B.
D.B.: Bye, Miss Kelli.
D.B.D.B.: (slips down the rabbit hole)
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